Our software is based on implementing the equations of thermodynamics, providing a solid theoretical basis for calculating and simulating thermodynamic systems. In this context, the accuracy of the results obtained depends significantly on the quality of the data loaded into the database, particularly with regard to the components used.

If the component data, including calibrated components, are provided with a high level of accuracy and detail, the software can generate equally accurate results. This means that, in addition to the physical equations on which the programme is based, the quality of the input information also plays a crucial role in determining the accuracy of the simulations.

As far as comparison studies are concerned, it is important to emphasize that as we are not a manufacturer of physical machines or plants, we have not directly carried out comparative field studies between the results obtained from the software and data from real machines. However, the software is designed to be extremely reliable in simulations as long as the input data are accurate and well calibrated.

Should you require any further information or clarification, I remain at your complete disposal.